Thursday, December 1, 2011

What are we doing for my birthday?” by Joe Forde

It was a very special day in my life and not just because it was my birthday. It was the first time I went to New York City. I was turning six and I did not know we were going until I asked my mom, “What are we doing for my birthday? “and she called my sister in and said, “do you want to take a trip” and we said in unison, ”where” and she responded,” New York City.” We then replied “Yes.”  So to our surprise we were going that day and she had everything already packed. So we hopped in the car and set off on the long boring journey ahead. My parents wanted to get up there as soon as possible so we made few stops only stopping at a McDonald’s once to go the bathroom and get something to eat.

Once we got there we checked into our hotel and found out we still had a long day planned out for us. We started the day off with my first ever ride in a taxi. I had many questions about them, I asked my parents like “How do you get them to come over to us? What if there is someone already in there?” I was asking these questions so fast I was not giving my parents time to answer them. When my dad got a taxi to come over my mom told them where we wanted to go,” The Statue of Liberty”. We started to drive and I did not ask anything but when we arrived I got all excited because I saw the ferry and my mom told me that it is going to take us to that big green statue.

When we got there I realized it was huge and my Dad told me that when he went as a kid he was allowed to climb all the way to the top, but we were not allowed to go in and no one would tell me why and until today I am still not completely sure why. We went into the gift shop and my dad bought me a small replica so I could always remember it but as it turns out I lost it before we even got back to our hotel. When we got off the boat after visiting we got in another taxi and went to Rockefeller Center to see the biggest most beautiful Christmas tree I had ever seen in my entire life.  It was December 20th so they had ice skating open and I had never skated before but I tried and failed. I was one of the people grasping the wall like my life depended on it walking around the circle. So finally 10 hours later my mom said we could go back to the hotel and get some rest for the next day.

The next day when I woke up I zipped over to my parents’ bed as fast as a bullet and started to jump on them. They said, “Ok ok we will get up and get you ready.” When we were all dressed we went out for breakfast and then we had the worst part of the trip. We had to go to the American Girl Doll store to get my sister a doll. It actually took two hours from the time she picked one out to getting her clothes and her hair styled. Then the scariest thing happened, we went in to see the Christmas Spectacular show when in the middle of the show all the lights came on and there was an announcement to stay calm and exit out the nearest door. No one had any idea what was going on. So we all left like we were told and outside to the still told and stood outside with no information. At this point I was crying so hard because I was so scared. My parents brought us back to our hotel. We turned on the news and heard the report that there had been a small fire in a trash bin and Radio City Music Hall had been evacuated. But now the show was back on. We looked at each other and went rushing back over to the theatre. Luckily we only missed a few minutes of the show.

On the last day, we did one more thing before we left this wonderful vacation, we went to the biggest build-a-bear workshop store in the world and I made my first birthday bear. We still had a long ride home ahead of us but this was a birthday I will never forget.

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