Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Crazy Day at Sea by Basem Metri

​One day my father came to me and told me, “son we’re going to look at a boat, and if we both like it we will buy it.” I replied to my father in great excitement, I said, “finally, that just made me so happy! Then my dad and I went up to bed as it was very late almost 12 on a Friday. We went up to bed and all I could do is imagine what will happen the day we go look for the boat. Finally I closed my eyes and counted down from a hundred 100…99…98… then I was a sleep. I woke up the next day looked out of my bedside window and saw the beautiful sunrise gazing upon the horizon, I heard my dad’s voice, “Basem it is time to have some breakfast and get on our way to Hyannis, Cape Cod.” I went down very fast ate, then showered and before you knew it I was in the car, seat belt strapped and ready to go! I was so thrilled to see what lied in front of me this day. So my dad came out with a big smile on his face. I can still remember going on that huge bridge seeing huge ships in the water and other boats just skipping across the water. Then we got off the bridge and after a couple more minutes could see the water, we were not quite sure where he was as he told us to come to the central docking area, but we still had some trouble. My dad saw a man walking on a dock to his boat; it was a little awkward because it turned out to be the man selling us the boat. The boat though was in the water and we had to take a row boat from the dock to it.
​My dad got on first and it sort of tilted back and forth due to his weight of 300 pounds then. I got on and then the man following us named Rob got on also, he said “are you two ready for an exciting day on the water? I hope you like the boat; I am also giving you a free brand new water tube.” My dad was intrigued by this because we were going to buy one if we were going to get a boat anyways. So we got to the boat, as I got on it I realized that it was as bright as the sun. The boat was so clean I guess the man spent a lot of time on it like I did on this special narrative. So anyways we then left for the water, I really liked the captains seat it made me feel as good as I would feel if I got 100% on an assignment. I sat in it on the way out then went up to the top of the boat which had a seating area; this was because my dad and the man were going over the payment and how to control it all. I came down after that and my dad said we are buying it, we went back to the docks, then the man was going to take the boat up for us and we were going to take the row boat back so it would not be left in the water, so we did I got on then my dad looked very hesitant and shaky like an old women with no cane. Let us get to it though he got on and boom! We fell off the row boat it flipped, then my father and I got to the big boat and my dad said we are not buying it, I have a vision this will not work out to well. Now till this day he tells me one day we will by that boat. So maybe some years from now I will right one day… with another story about my adventure to buy a boat.