Thursday, December 1, 2011

OUCH! by Jack Loughnane

        "Woah, what happened to your finger?".
        " It all stared when I was 6..."
       I was driving home from the beach on a hot summer day. It was my dad, my brother and I. We just had a great time at the beach and I was very happy.
         "It must be one of the hottest days of this year." my dad said. " would you like your windows down?"
          "Yes please." I replied
        So my dad put the windows down and I instantly put my hand right out. Before the window was down it was as hot as a desert, but now it was nice and cool. We were on the highway and I was just feeling the wind hit my hand. It felt great. I liked the feeling of not being trapped, I was not like a caged monkey anymore. We were just about to my house now; I still kept my hand out the window.
       We pulled into the driveway and came to a stop. My dad said "Windows are coming up."
        I didn't listen I kept my hand outside. I just didn't know it was coming up. Then I finally saw it at the last second and tried to rush my hand out. I got all my fingers out, except one. My right pointer finger was caught in it. I screamed "Ouch!!!"
        My dad ask "What happened?!?!"
        "You shut the window on my finger!" I answered. "Can you get it out?!"
        "Yes yes calm down you're gonna be fine." He told me.
        After we got it out I said,"It really hurts. What are we going to do?"
         "We should probably go to the hospital," my dad said.
          We went off the the hospital. We went and got me an X-ray. No bones broken in my finger. I was happy as a kid on Christmas. Another thing bothered me about this happening though; the window that my finger got stuck in broke. It could not go down anymore and it was all because of the 6 year old me.
       Just a few years ago I had a similar thing happen with my little brother slamming a car door on the same finger. As you can see I really do have a messed up right finger.


  1. Peter Keough
    That happened to me once too.

  2. That happened to me but my wrist and it took my grandmother like a minuate to understand what was happening so it really hurt: Chris Tedeschi

  3. i had a dream that happened once but it never happened. i consider myself lucky

  4. That has happened to me also, I feel your pain legit. Matt McD

  5. Jack loughnanes unlucky finger!!!!mike devane

  6. Let me see your finger.

  7. Ohhh silly Jack #jackwriteslikeaBO$$

  8. I like the dialouge usage
    - Basem Metri
